Sunday, 30 January 2011

Vertical and Horizontal Frames

Because the subject of these photos is vertical, it works better in a portrait composition.  There is too much space either side of the sign post in the landscape photo.

The landscape compeosition shows more of the bridge, but the portrait one shows more of the overall scene.

Landscape works better here, as it shows more of the overall scene.

The portrait composition here allows the eye to follow the path of the stream and makes it more of a focal point.

Landscape works better here as the river is the focal point.

Landscape provides more interest as it shows more of the reflected trees, in the images above and below,

Landscape makes a more interesting composition as it gives some context to the sign in the images above, and to the boat in the images below.

Portrait works better above, as it makes the pipe the focal point and allows the eye to follow it more easily.

Landscape is better for this scene, as more can be seen rather than just pavement.

Portrait is better here as more of the scene can be seen in the images above and below.

Both the above images work well, they ar both framed.  However, portrait is neater.

The images above are both quite abstract, so the portrait and landscape compositions both work well.

Here the bridge scene is best suited to landscape as it adds more context.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Exercise: Horizons

These photos were all taken from the same position, but I have placed the horizon at different points in each one.

Here you cannot see the river and there is to much sky making the picture unbalanced.


This composition works best, with the horizon in the middle.  There is more interest in the bottom half of the picture but it is balanced by the clear sky.


Here there is too much water and very little horizon so the picture is unbalanced.

Exercise: Balance

Exercise: Focal length and different viewpoints

In this exercise I firstly took the photo from a distance using a long focal length.  Then using a short focal length moved towards the church until it filled the frame in the same composition.


 The photo taken using the short focal length at a short distance is warped and less clear because the lens is not being used for its purpose.

Exercise: Focal Lengths

I photographed the scene below with 3 different focal lengths:


