Tuesday 25 October 2011

Colour - Exercise 1

For this exercise I had to find colours to match the primary and secondary colours in the colour wheel, and then take photos using the preset exposure and then one stop below and above this.  Below are the results.

Preset Exposure

One Stop Above

One Stop Under

In this example the stop above is the most realistic and also shows the most details.  This was taken on a very bright day which I think is the reason why the preset option is less realistic and clear.


One stop above

One stop under

The preset default version is the most realistic in for this colour, with the others looking under and over exposed respectively.

I found blue to be a very difficult colour to find in nature (with the exception of the sky) so I had to use a man- made object for this example.

One stop under

One stop over
There is little difference between the colours in these examples, quite possibly because there is little variation in the light and it is a man-made item.


One stop above

One stop under
The default setting is the most realistic, however the stop above is not too under exposed.  However a stop under the default is over exposed.


One stop above

One stop under
As with previous colours, the preset is the most realistic and the next are under and over exposed respectively.


One stop above

One stop under
 As before, the different stop settings have made the image under and over exposed respectively.

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